Author : debbiehenne

Does God Got This? Part III

You wake up in the morning and feel meh. You look in the mirror and the reflection matches your feelings exactly. BLAH! Now let’s say you walk out the door and meet someone whose face lights up when they see you, their eyes sparkle, and they say something along the lines of, “It’s SO GOOD […]

Does God Got This – Part II

In the last post, I invited you into my meandering thoughts on retributive justice vs. restorative justice and how I need to trust that God’s got this. Even when I don’t understand, even when I’m hurt, even when I’m angry. He’s got this. Every single time, He’s got this. Recently, God challenged me and my […]

Does God Got This?

Just wait, they’ll be sorry. I’m sure that’s NEVER crossed your mind…or mine. Right? (In case you’re in doubt, yes, that’s drenched in sarcasm.) Of course that thought, or something similar, has at least fluttered in your brain waves or pulsed through your emotions at some point in time. We’re all only human. Justice is […]

Judgment? Discernment??

Judgment? Discernment?? Judgment. Discernment. So close yet so so different—even the dictionary includes discerning in its first definition of judgment! Judgment: The process of forming an opinion or evaluation by discerning and comparing (Merriam-Webster). If the two are so comparable that even the dictionary uses one to define the other, what’s the point of parsing the finer […]

I Didn’t Know, but God Did

I Didn’t Know, but God Did Corrie ten Boom. I opened my eyes. It was morning, and my waking thoughts were of one of my personal heroes in the faith—Corrie ten Boom. As my mind scrolled through her powerful testimony of faith and resilience in the face of unimaginable circumstances that no one should ever […]

Don’t Confront, CAREfront!

DON’T CONFRONT, CAREFRONT! Don’t Confront, CAREfront   Carefront. Never heard of it? Neither had I, until I listened to Larry Kreider’s leadership podcast where he and his wife, LaVerne, talked about passing the leadership test of conflict. (You can listen to the episode yourself here.) Carefront is a term LaVerne used, and I believe coined, […]

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