
Faith or Fear?

Faith or Fear? In a prior post which can be found here, I talked about faith and choosing faith to see God work miracles in and through us. Faith is a powerhouse in the spirit!  My daughter has a shirt that says faith over fear, and yes, that’s true. We need to choose faith over […]

Happy Pentecost!

HAPPY PENTECOST! Happy Pentecost! As a North American Christian, I remember the story of the first Pentecost well. The believers were gathered in the upper room and suddenly, a wind blew, fire appeared over their heads, and they began to speak in languages they didn’t understand. One day, I discovered this wasn’t the entire story. […]

When Jesus Celebrated

When Jesus Celebrated           So, I have a confession to make. I got so excited while writing the last post that…I…forgot…to write the last post (or at least what I had intended to write). What I actually meant to write about was Jesus’s reaction when the 72 disciples returned from their […]

As Easy as a Free Meal

As Easy as a Free Meal Ever struggle with praying for someone to be healed? I have. I’ve had those all-too-familiar extra beats from my heart and flip-flops in my stomach when someone comes up to me and asks for me to pray for physical healing. I’m sure I’m not alone. The thought What if […]

Good Friday Really is Good

Good Friday Really is Good           I’m sure that the picture of a man, flesh torn up, dripping blood, and hanging fully exposed on two beams of wood is exactly what we imagine when we think of a conquering king. I’m sure this image, full of suffering and humiliation, is exactly […]

April Fools!

APRIL FOOLS! April Fools! Something about that phrase, and this day, makes me smile and laugh yet fills me with dread all at the same time. I remember pulling pranks as a kid like the old thread through the hem and filling the sugar bowl with salt. Except one year, the prank was almost on […]

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