
Don’t Clean Those Nets Yet!

DON’T CLEAN THOSE NETS YET! It was one of those days. Have you ever had one? I was doing a really GREAT job of feeling sorry for myself. I had stepped out, big time for me, and felt like I failed. Instead of chalking it up to experience, picking myself up, and watching the dust […]

Ordinary Yeses with Extraordinary Results

Ordinary Yeses with Extraordinary Results I recently developed a five-session seminar for women based upon my book, Gentleness: It’s Not What You Think. As I pondered what type of material I was going to include, I began to think about how living a lifestyle of gentleness is something God has asked us to do, therefore, […]

Contagious, Powerful Kindness

Contagious, Powerful Kindness In the last post, I talked about growing in grace and extending grace to others which will ultimately cause us to focus on God rather than the imperfections inherent in all of our lives. Springboarding from that, today I want to talk about kindness. Kindness is one of those things that I […]

Love Self-control Part 2

LOVE SELF-CONTROL PART 2 Last post I talked about how important self-control is, and why instead of dreading it, we should embrace it. Self-control, after all, protects us, our relationships, and helps us achieve our visions and goals. Today, I was thinking about how to get more self-control. Yes, we can absolutely grow in this, […]

Love Self-control

Love Self-control           Self-control. There aren’t many words like that that inspire a unique mix of dread and desire within me. Somehow, I always have this feeling of imprisonment when I think about having self-control, as if I’m losing some aspects of freedom. Proverbs 25:28 says that a person without self-control “is like a city […]

Let’s Work Together

Let’s Work Together          Last time I posted, I talked about being vigilant, or focused, on our faith in Jesus. This post, I wanted to explore the rest of the directive that Paul was giving to the church. 1 Corinthians 16:13-14 says, “Watch ye, stand fast in the faith, quit you like […]

Be Alert!

         Math is one of those things that I never enjoyed. Not that I didn’t try, I did at one point genuinely attempt to have some form of affection for it, after all, whether or not I had fun with numbers didn’t make them go away. But it was never to be. […]

Faithful Runner

Thud. Thud. Thud. My lungs burned as I forced my feet forward step by step. Focus, Debbie, focus. I tried to distract myself from how painful each breath was becoming by watching my daughter scooter carefree in front of me. She had decided to join me on this Saturday morning jog. Good thing, too. It […]

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