But, God, This Isn’t a Garden! Dependency

Dependent. Some of us may shudder when we read that word. As someone born in the United States, independence is something we literally celebrate every year and is something that seems to leak into so many parts of our society in big ways and small ways. Indulge me in a small, personal example. 

He was just trying to be kind. He walked just a little ahead of me, just barely beating me to the door and pulled it open. Oh, that was nice. Inspired by his gesture, as we approached the next door, I ran a little ahead, wrapped my fingers around the handle, and pulled. I turned my head around, all smiles. Yep, now we’re even. This happened again and again until… 

I pulled the door open My turn this time, turned around, smiling at my boyfriend (now husband). But he wasn’t smiling back. In fact, he looked a little frustrated. Now I’m confused.  

“Why won’t you let me get the doors for you?” 

“Because I can get the doors myself.” Seemed obvious. I mean, it’s not like they weigh a ton. They aren’t a very complicated form of technology either. 

But, I want to get the doors for you. It makes me happy to do the gentlemany thing and get your doors. I’ve always looked forward to having a girlfriend and then a wife that I could open the doors for. I would really like to get your doors.” 


It turned out my little act of independence wasn’t received as an act of kindness. It turned out I was unintentionally rejecting a tangible, everyday expression of his love. So rather than him feeling loved as I returned the favor, he got frustrated. All he was trying to do was show me, in a small way, that he cared about me. And I didn’t get it. Oops. 

So, here’s the thing. God loves us SO MUCH. The Creator God Who created this planet and the entire universe and all it contains LOVES US and INTENTIONALLY created us with a plan and purpose in mind. Do we know what it is? LOL. NOPE! Sure, He gives us clues and specific steps, but, to be honest, unless He tells us what is going to happen tomorrow or next month, we really have no clue.  

So, the God Who created us also created a plan and purpose for us. He knows exactly what doors to open when so we get where He wants us to be (which, btw, is where we should want to be too!). If we continue to try to open our own doors, we might get somewhere, but surely it will be some form of wilderness. And believe me (and the Israelites), the wilderness journey can be FULL of endless circles.  

Bottom line: If we want to get out of the wilderness and into the promise, we need to learn the dependency lesson. There is only One Who can open the doors in just the right time and just the right way to get us out of the wilderness and into the promise. We just need to learn how to let Him do it. Oh! And learn to recognize and appreciate the expressions of our His love along the way.  

But, God, This Isn’t a Garden! Dependency
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